Access Governance System (AGS)
The Access Governance System (AGS) is a web portal that is used by Legal Signing Authorities (LSAs) of ClinicalConnect Participant Organizations to manage who holds the roles required of all Participants. It is also used by LSAs to perform semi-annual attestations of these role holders. A complete user guide designed for LSAs is below, as well as short videos that provide an overview of how to use AGS to perform tasks commonly undertaken by LSAs.
AGS Resources for Legal Signing Authorities (LSAs)
- Complete AGS User Guide for Legal Signing Authorities (PDF)
- Key Tasks Performed by Legal Signing Authorities:
- Appoint new Local Registration Authority (LRAs) for your organization
- Add LRA role to existing user (i.e. Privacy Contact also becomes LRA)
- Revoke LRA appointment
- Replace Privacy Contact
- Add Privacy Contact role to existing user (i.e. Legal Signing Authority also becomes Privacy Contact)
- Completing Semi-Annual Attestation of Privacy Contact, LRA(s) and Information Security Contact
- Changing Signing Authorities: existing Legal Signing Authority should use AGS to replace themselves in the role, or if required because the previous Legal Signing Authority is no longer with the organization, the new Signing Authority can email to provide confirmation of their signing authority and complete contact information.
- Appoint new Local Registration Authority (LRAs) for your organization
AGS Resources for Privacy Contacts
ClinicalConnect Privacy Contacts of approved Participant Organizations should log into their Privacy Contact SharePoint site for AGS resources.
ClinicalConnect Privacy Contacts of prospective Participant Organizations can view the resource below to support their completion of requirements during the application process:
AGS Resources for Local Registration Authorities
ClinicalConnect Local Registration Authorities of approved Participant Organizations should log into their LRA SharePoint site for AGS resources.
AGS Resources for Sole (Physician) Practitioners
ClinicalConnect Sole (Physician) Practitioners of approved Participant Organizations should log into their Sole Practitioner SharePoint site for AGS resources.