Info For ClinicalConnect Participants
The documents below relate to organizations’ participation in ClinicalConnect:
ClinicalConnect Terms & Conditions (v2.0 Effective Date November 15, 2023) - This PDF outlines the Terms & Conditions Participant Organizations and their Users must abide by to access the ClinicalConnect System.
EHR Interface ClinicalConnect Terms and Conditions (v1.0 Effective Date June 18, 2024) - This PDF outlines the Terms & Conditions for Participant Organizations and their Users, that access data from the Provincial Electronic Health Record (EHR) only using the ClinicalConnect System, must abide by.
ClinicalConnect Support Services Reference Guide: This PDF describes the services and support provided by the ClinicalConnect Program Office to healthcare organizations that become Participants in ClinicalConnect, including an overview of obligations, roles and responsibilities, plus other helpful information associated with operating, and using, ClinicalConnect.
ClinicalConnect User Agreement (v2.7 Effective Date September 13, 2024) - This PDF outlines the updated agreement for which each authorized User/Agent must accept and comply with to access ClinicalConnect.
Contact Information for Privacy-Related Inquiries & Requests - This PDF details the triage for privacy-related requests aligned with the ClinicalConnect Policies.
ClinicalConnect Supplemental Assessment - Additional Site(s) or Program(s)/Service(s) - This PDF is a working copy of the Supplemental Assessment that Privacy Contacts of approved Participant Organizations will be requested to complete after their organization's Legal Signing Authority submits a request, using the Access Governance System, to use ClinicalConnect at/for a new Site, Service or Program.
ClinicalConnect Privacy Policies Guide - This PDF details the eight (8) ClinicalConnect Privacy Policies
Ways to Support Training for ClinicalConnect End Users - This web page identifies key resources available to Participant Organizations to support ClinicalConnect training for their end users.
Listing of Participants in ClinicalConnect
ClinicalConnect Participant Organizations List: This document presents the organizations that are authorized as ClinicalConnect consumers and/or contributors. It also identifies the organization’s Identity Provider (iDP), as well as which provincial data repositories and/or Provincial Client Registry the organization has access to.
ClinicalConnect Sole Practitioners List: This document presents the Sole Practitioners that are authorized to access ClinicalConnect as consumers.It also identifies the organization’s Identity Provider (iDP), as well as which provincial data repositories and/or Provincial Client Registry the organization has access to.