Resource Centre - Encounter Type and Days Back Filters

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The Encounter Type filter and Days Back filter are available in select module headers. You should always make sure your Encounter Type filter and Days Back filter are correctly configured before you begin using the Smart Filter or Column Filter.

image showing the encounter type and days back filter

Encounter Type

The Encounter Type filter is set to All Regional Encounters in order to view data from provincial repositories.

Image of the encounter type filter

Options include:

  • Encounter - Displays information only for the selected encounter or visit.
  • Patient - Displays all information from all Patient encounters from that source hospital system only.
  • All Regional Encounters - Displays data from provincial repositories or all visits across all hospitals available in the portal.

Days Back

The Days Back filter refers to the amount of information presented in the view based on the number of days backfrom the date of patient discharge. For an admitted in-patient, the Days Back filter refers to the number of days back from the current date (today).

image of the dropdown for the days back filter

The Days Back filter in this example is set to 180 days as the default but can be changed to a maximum of ALL. However, the ALL Days Back setting may impact system performance if returning large volumes of data.

a tip icon Make sure that your Days back is set appropriately to include the available data in that date range. Example: If you’re looking for a result that was completed two weeks ago, and the Days Back is set to 7 days, then you will not be able to see that result.