Resource Centre - Patient Visits Timeline

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Video Tutorial

The Patient Visit Timeline  is an interactive timeline that provides a visual display of a patient’s past and future visit history available from acute care facilities and matches the encounter information listed in the Visits module.

Navigating the Timeline

The timeline defaults to the year associated with the encounter you are currently viewing. The navigation buttons on the timeline allows you to jump back and forth in the timeline.

Image showing the paient visit timeline options

Coloured indicators on the timeline show the frequency and type of encounter:

Image of the coloured indicators for encounter type





Visit Information

Hovering over a timeline indicator displays a tooltip with the following encounter information:

  • Encounter date
  • Type of encounter
  • Reason for visit
  • Facility
  • Source

Example: This patient encounter was on Jan 13th, 2017 at 10:09 AM as an ER encounter. FLUE was the reason for the visit at the General facility in HHS.

Image of the visit information in patient visit timeline





Clicking the indicator will load the Visits module and change the patient header information to display the selected encounter information. 

Visits Timeline Interaction

Selecting a visit from the timeline will present with a “Visit Change” alert and if ‘Applied’, will refresh the module view and only show results for the selected visit/encounter. 

Select ‘Reset’ to reload data to previous preference settings.

Retrieving Data Progress Bar

The retrieving data progress bar shows the progression of data being displayed in the view from the source systems. As data becomes available it is presented in the view and the remaining data being retrieved is shown in the example, along with any failed attempts as shown in the example below for the source GBIN (Failed GBIN)

The Refresh button Title: Image of the referesh button can be clicked at any time to perform the retrieval again and refresh the view with new data if available.