Resource Centre - Visits Module

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The Visits module displays a list of all patient acute care encounters including Home and Community Care encounters. Future scheduled outpatient visits may also be available from source hospital systems and will display the date and time in the “Encounter Date” field. This module is helpful when reviewing the patient’s visit frequency and history of the patient’s encounters.

Image of visits module option in clinical modules

To access the Visits module, click the Visits option in the Clinical Modules menu.


The following table provides a summary of some of the key features of the Visits module.

Feature Summary

Frequent ED Visits Icon

A patient that has had five or more emergency department (ED) visits at any acute care facility in south west Ontario in the last 366 days will show the Frequent ED Visits quick alert icon alert icon in their patient header.

Clicking the Frequent ED Visits icon will take you to the Visits module for a list of all that patient’s encounters.

Patient Visits Timeline

A timeline display at the top of the ClinicalConnect interface to show all patient visits from the first encounter to the most recent encounter.


Selecting a Different Encounters

The Visits module allows you to access different patient encounters. Click the encounter you want to view from the Visits to switch to that encounter.

For example:

If you wanted to view the Chest Pain visit of a patient at McMaster on January 26th, 2018 click the row of that visit to view more details about that encounter.

Image of selecting the encounters in Visits module

The patient demographic information below the header will display information about the selected visit.

Image of the selected visit

Modules that only display data related to a specific encounter (for example: the Admissions module) will also update to match that selected visit. 

The Visit encounters from acute care hospitals are also displayed in the Patient Visits Timeline. This module is helpful when reviewing the type, frequency, and history of the patient’s encounters.

Image of patient visits timeline


OLIS in a visits Facility column indicates that the patient has OLIS data. You cannot access OLIS information directly from the visits. Instead use the Labs, Microbiology, or Pathology and Genetics modules (depending on which result is available) to access the OLIS results.

image of the OLIS data in visits module

Ontario Health

In cases where the patient’s Health Card Number (HCN) matches data available from provincial repositories (Diagnostic Imaging Common Service, Digital Health Drug Repository, and Acute CDR), the Visits module will display eHealth Ontario in the facility and source fields. 

Image of ehealth ontario as facility in visits module

 This data can only be accessed from its supported module if your Participating Organization has signed the appropriate Ontario Health agreements.

Information from provincial repositories is not accessible if the HCN is not available or is invalid.

Home and Community Care 

Home and Community Care encounters are available from the Visits module. Home and Community Care encounters are identified with the specific LHIN-based Home and Community Care in the facility column and OACCAC in the source field. If the client has had Home and Community Care services across all four regions, each encounter will be identified in the facility field.

Selecting the Home and Community Care encounter from the search results list will open the Home and Community Care module for that patient.

Image of home and community care as facility in visits module

Visits Preferences

The Visits module has its own set of preferences that can be accessed and configured by clicking the Preferences button Preference button in the module header or by using the Preference Setup Wizard.

Image of the preference settings for the visits module


After updating your preference settings, click the Save & Apply button to save your changes.

To learn more about the various preference setting options, please visit the Common Preference Settings in ClinicalConnect section.