Resouce Centre - User Agreement

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The first time you login to ClinicalConnect, you will be prompted to agree to the User Terms & Conditions as outlined in the User Agreement before you can access any Personal Health Information (PHI) in ClinicalConnect. This Agreement is also displayed on an annual basis going forward.

Once you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions of the User Agreement, a security log entry noting the date and time of your acceptance is made.

Click the I Agree button to accept the Terms and Conditions of the User Agreement.

Image of clinical connect user agreement


Image of the drop down list under the name of the user that is logged in

Viewing and Printing the User Agreement

The User Agreement can be viewed and printed any time.

To view and print the User Agreement:

1. Click your name in the top right corner of the screen.

2. From the drop down list, click Account Information.

3. Select the most recent user agreement from the User Agreements section of your account information


Image showing the user agreement details

The details of the agreement displays in the details window below the list.