Primary Care Providers

Patient care can be delivered close to home

If I have a patient in a motor vehicle accident in Niagara Falls, I can quickly access data and make a Virtual Visit.

- Dr. Ken Burgess, Family Physician

ClinicalConnect improving patient care and saving Family Physician time

Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Download saves my staff’s valuable time; approximately 1.5 days per week. We already have fast, accurate access to results with the ClinicalConnect provider portal, but now labs and other reports are downloaded and integrated with my own office EMR chart.

- Dr. Barbara Teal, Family Physician

"Completing" the Patient's Medical Record

Clinical Connect is a useful tool that allows me to quickly access patient reports from anywhere. As a Family Physician, I am able to fill in the gaps when my patients have visited a hospital or been involved with CCAC but reports have not been sent to me. I can also print or save these reports to complete the patient’s medical record in my office.

- Dr. Kellie Scott, Elmwood FHO/Thames Valley FHT

Deeply Satisfied

Though I’m new to using Clinical Connect, I’ve already found it to be very helpful. This free service allows you to look up lab work as well as consultations, discharge summaries etc… from most hospitals in southwestern Ontario. For someone just setting up a new family practice it is quite convenient to be able to see the previous oncology notes, for example, for a patient I’ve just met. Having said that, I suspect that it could also prove to be quite useful for veteran family physicians with established practices in the event that someone is admitted or discharged from hospital. I see very few downsides to using ClinicalConnect. So far it has proven to be quite a useful and reliable service … and it hasn’t cost me anything!

- Dr. Marty Bezaire, Stoney Creek Family Medicine Clinic

Innovating and Inspiring

With [the EMR Download technologies], a far higher percentage of the documents that I need to review automatically “push” into my EMR. They arrive quickly, and reliably for the most part, making my life, and the lives of the office staff easier, and giving patients faster turnaround on getting test results. For the occasional report that is not pushed to me, my staff and I can access it quickly and reliably from the “pull” technology through Clinical Connect. This is much better than my previous EMR links, and there is potential for further improvement as more health care institutions get on board.

- Dr. Jason Bandey, Stratford FHT

Fascinating advancement in our medical system

​”I have noticed with the addition of Stratford General, I have been able to track my A1C results with 24 hours. This will be a great time saver for me, if I don’t have to make follow up telephone calls to patients after their clinic visits! I pull the info up during their visit and explain ClinicalConnect to them! They are quite fascinated at the advancement of our Medical system!

- Vicky LaForge, Chronic Disease Prevention and Management RN, Minto-Mapleton Family Health Team

Enabling enhanced primary care and supporting family physicians’ work-life balance

“As a physician, making informed clinical decisions is my top priority. ClinicalConnect allows me to access pertinent patient information in an efficient manner. I can pull up recent labs, diagnostic images, or consultant notes within a few clicks. This has reduced wasted time and resources for both the patient and my office. It has improved my office workflow and patients are appreciative that I am up-to-date with their care.”

- Dr. Thien Hoa Trang, Windsor

Increasing physician follow-up for acute care patients within seven days of discharge

“I have found ClinicalConnect to be the most important tool in managing our post-discharge program at the Smithville FHT. I am able to easily access our discharge list electronically each morning. This allows me to identify patients who have been discharged in the last 1, 3, 7 and 14 days. We aim to identify our discharged patients in a timely fashion in order to arrange a post-discharge appointment with their family physician or nurse practitioner within 7 days. Our ultimate goal is to prevent readmission to the hospital. ClinicalConnect even allows me to see our patient’s admission diagnosis so that I am able to better facilitate the appropriate care. For example, we recently had a patient that was discharged because of congestive heart failure and since ClinicalConnect allowed me to see the discharge diagnosis I was able to facilitate an appointment with both the family physician and our nurse educator who specializes in the care of our heart failure patients. The system is user-friendly and has been an important tool in enhancing the quality of care we provide as we can access important patient information that is helpful in our post-discharge planning.”

- Michelle Webb, Nurse Educator, Smithville Medical Centre FHT

ClinicalConnect enables alignment with the IHI Triple Aim Framework

“I use ClinicalConnect up to 20 times a day. It is easy to log in, and I will frequently use it during patient encounters. It helps me to provide faster and more comprehensive care.”

- Dr. Ed Stack, Primary Care Physician, London, Ontario

EHRs support chronic disease prevention and management within primary care

“ClinicalConnect has helped in providing up-to-date information on a patient’s health status while in the hospital so we can follow along with the hospitalization and have the patient follow up with their physician in a timely manner.”

- Sabrina Shiwpershad, RN, CFFM FHT

Enabling effective care coordination by family physicians

"ClinicalConnect is an invaluable tool that I use every day in a variety of settings. It has revolutionized our EMR by the daily downloads we get for office patients. It helps me tremendously for hospital and ED patients that otherwise don't know their up to date medical information. I can't imagine practicing without it."

- Dr. Bernhard Volz, Physician, Beamsville FHT

ClinicalConnect helps family physicians relay COVID-19 results more effectively

I’ve always been a regular user of ClinicalConnect and even more so now amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Just this morning, a patient contacted me via secure email, anxiously awaiting the result of their COVID-19 test they’d had done at a local drive-thru Assessment Centre. I was able to log into ClinicalConnect and view their (negative) result, and relay it to them to quickly alleviate their concern and provide peace of mind during what’s already a highly stressful time for many people. I find ClinicalConnect to be a highly intuitive system that’s easy for me to access from my desktop computer in my office, or from my mobile device when I’m on the go. I’d definitely suggest my peers adopt ClinicalConnect as part of their healthcare delivery – you’ll quickly see how invaluable it is to be able to view medical info for your patients that’s not readily available elsewhere, which can include what medications their community pharmacy has dispensed, diagnostic imaging results from community radiology clinics etc.

- Dr. Michael Pray, Family Physician, Hamilton, Ontario