About ClinicalConnect

ClinicalConnect is a secure, web-based portal that gives authorized healthcare providers real-time access to their patients' electronic medical information. It is operated by Hamilton Health Sciences and is funded by Ontario Health. Data is aggregated in ClinicalConnect from all acute care hospitals, Ontario's Home & Community Care Support Services (formerly operated by Local Health Integration Networks) and Regional Cancer Programs in Ontario Health West Region, plus various provincial data repositories. ClinicalConnect is a fundamental tool in bridging the gap between disparate information systems spanning a wide geographical area and multiple regional health care facilities.

Using ClinicalConnect, clinicians can gather essential integrated patient data in seconds, resulting in quicker diagnosis and treatment and improved patient care and safety. ClinicalConnect can help reduce repeat lab and diagnostic tests with significant cost savings and reduced patient distress.

As outlined in the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Digital Health Playbook, to support integrated care delivery, Ontario Health Teams are required to ensure that all relevant staff have access to one of the two provincial viewers, including ClinicalConnect.

Watch this short video to learn more about ClinicalConnect, and additional information about the portal's features and benefits is available by clicking here.

Using ClinicalConnect to Access Your Patients' Data From Otherwise Disparate Sources

One of the greatest benefits of using ClinicalConnect is that authorized users can access their patients’ data from other regional hospitals and cancer centres, Ontario's Home & Community Care Support Services, and provincial data repositories outside one’s own internal health information system, which saves time and increases workflow efficiencies.

How ClinicalConnect Integrates with Multiple Data Sources & Other Digital Health Tools

Recognized as a strategic digital health asset for Ontario, ClinicalConnect allow authorized healthcare providers to securely access electronic health records for patients within their circle of care. ClinicalConnect also helps power patient access channels, in particular a patient portal called ConnectMyHealth that will be used by patients residing in Ontario Health West Region. For more information on ConnectMyHealth's deployment in south west Ontario, visit https://info.connectmyhealth.ca

Learn more about how to gain access to ClinicalConnect to support more efficient delivery of healthcare to your patients by clicking here.