Resource Centre - Microbiology Module

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The Microbiology Module displays a list of the patient’s microbiology tests and isolated organisms from contributing source systems including results from Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS). 

New Results 

Image of the microbiology module


The Microbiology module displays a New Result indicator if New Results are available for the selected encounter. (Refer to the New Results Module for more information on new results indicators)

a note icon OLIS data is not available in the New Results module and will not generate new results flags.

To access the Microbiology module, select Microbiology from the Clinical Modules menu.

Image of the microbiology module tab

a tip icon To view OLIS data make sure your Encounter preference is set to All Regional Encounters.

a note icon OLIS Limitations 

There are limitations for accessing OLIS data from within ClinicalConnect. These limitations include:

  • An organization must have signed up for the appropriate Ontario Health access otherwise, you will not be able to access OLIS data and OLIS data will not be listed in the modules. If the access permissions are not in place you will see the message "OLIS matches filtered."
  • A patient’s record may have a consent directive limiting some or all of their OLIS data from displaying in ClinicalConnect. This will generate the message "Some or all of the requested OLIS laboratory information was not returned due to a patient consent directive." OLIS restricted records cannot be overridden in ClinicalConnect. 

Viewing Microbiology Test Result Details

Microbiology results are displayed in a sortable list. Click the row of the result you want to view to see even more details about the results.

image of the microbiology test results details

Depending on your preference settings, the Micro Details will either show up to the right of the results list or below the results list. 

If a patient has a COVID-19 test result available, it will display in the Microbiology list view and will include the swab date, source and facility that collected the specimen. In some cases, if the test is positive, the Organisms Isolated column will display the details. 


Sorting Results based on Organisms Isolated

Microbiology results contain a column for Organisms Isolated. To filter through your results based on Organisms Isolated:

1. Click the Organisms Isolated column header to sort the entire list alphabetically by organisms isolated.

image of the micrbiology column header to sort the entire list alphabetically by organisms isolated

2. Scroll through the sorted list to locate the results you want to view. 

3. Use the Smart Filter if you want to locate a specific organism isolated.

Example: Type strep in the Smart Filter search box to locate Streptococcus results.

image of the smart filter showing how to locate the streptococcus results

Microbiology Preferences

The Microbiology module has its own set of preferences that can be accessed and configured by clicking the Preferences button preferences button in the view header or by using the Preference Setup Wizard.

image of the preferences tab

After updating your preference settings, click the Save & Apply button to save your changes.

To learn more about the various preference setting options, please visit the Common Preference Settings in ClinicalConnect section.